Division of Technology and Innovation, The Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital
A 3-year PhD position dedicated to investigate prognostic factors for colorectal cancer liver metastases is available from July 2023 at The Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital - Rikshospitalet, Norway.
The project will be conducted in cooperation between the research groups of Professor Bjørn Edwin and Professor Ilangko Balasingham. The position is financed by Helse Sør-Øst RHA.
Oslo University Hospital (OUS) is the largest hospital in Norway with 24 000 employees. With its broad range of medical disciplines and internationally recognized scientists, OUS is an important contributor to research and education in Norway.
Oslo universitetssykehus HF
PhD Candidate
Duties and responsibilities
We are looking for a talented and highly motivated candidate of all nationalities who have a keen interest in surgical and clinical oncology research. Fulfill the requirements to be taken up by the UiO doctoral program (evaluation score A or B) Medical doctor (MD)
Personal qualities
- Highly motivated, goal oriented, and genuine interest in research
- Dedicated and responsible
- Ability to work independently and in an interdisciplinary environment
- Is easy to get along with, flexible and structured
- Has good English written and oral communication skills
- And the most important a great teamworker
We can offer
- A stimulating, challenging, and friendly international working environment with broad expertise
- Experienced, creative, and friendly research colleagues
- The salary will be based on the current collective wage
Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is essential to perform the tasks required of us. Therefore, we pursue diversity among our job applicants and encourage everyone to apply regardless of who you are and what background you have.
Sammen med pasienten utvikler vi morgendagens behandling
Oslo universitetssykehus med våre 22 000 medarbeidere skal være en lærende og skapende organisasjon med evne til å tenke nytt. Vi skal ha en ledende rolle i utvikling av forskning og innovasjon, samt utvikling av morgendagens helsetjeneste, medisinsk behandling og presisjonsmedisin. Hos oss finner du noen av landets ledende eksperter innen sine fagfelt, og her blir du en del av Norges største helsefaglige arbeidsplass. Et inkluderende arbeidsmiljø preget av åpenhet og respekt er svært viktig for oss. Uansett hva du jobber med vil du få muligheten til å utvikle deg og benytte din kompetanse på et sted hvor det virkelig teller.